A Guide to Louisiana's Extraordinary Link, Second Edition
by Robert Carriker
Photographs by Denny Culbert
Out now!
About the Book
Boudin: A Guide to Louisiana’s Extraordinary Link, Second Edition delves deep into the history and mystique of Louisiana’s most exclusive Cajun food. The book provides historical synthesis of boudin’s transportation and transformation from France in the 1700s to Louisiana’s Acadian, Creole, and Cajun populations. It also uncovers and celebrates the almost territorial devotion that people have to boudin it all its nuanced glory. Chronicling boudin’s story before the mid-1900s is difficult, but beginning in the 1940s, as boudin moved beyond the community hog butcherings known as boucheries and started to be sold commercially, it hit a stride that has yet to slow down.
In addition, Boudin provides in-depth information on dozens of individual boudin makers, offering insight into their histories and their connection to this "Sausage Different.” With gorgeous images by renowned photographer Denny Culbert, the book manages to be both deeply informative and visually compelling.
This updated edition features new photography, historic and modern recipes, updated locations, and the not-to-be-missed story of the birth of the boudin king cake.
About the Author & Photographer
Robert Carriker is a native of Spokane, Washington. He attended Gonzaga University and earned a PhD in History and Public History from Arizona State University. He is a professor of History and the founder of the Public History Program at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.
Denny Culbert is a commercial and editorial food/travel photographer based out of Lafayette, Louisiana.
© 2022 University of Louisiana at Lafayette Press
Softcover | 126 pages | ISBN: 978-1-946160-79-9