Jean-le-Chasseur et ses chiens
par Barry Jean Ancelet
illustrations de Denise Gallagher
Jean-le-Chasseur et ses chiens est basé sur un conte traditionnel raconté à l'auteur par Edouard Dugas, son grand-père de deuxième noce. C'est l'histoire d'un jeune homme qui habite dans une maison au bord du bois avec sa mère et ses trois chiens. Un jour, quand il est en train de chasser dans le bois, il rencontre une belle jeune femme. Il ne peut voir que son côté enchanté, mais ses chiens voient la méchante sorcière qu'elle est en réalité. Il tombe en amour avec la sorcière, mais quand elle finit par le menacer, la mère de Jean-le-Chasseur et ses chiens viennent à son secours.
While hunting with his three loyal dogs, Jean-le-Chasseur comes across an unknown clearing in the woods where he finds a beautiful young woman with blond hair, blue eyes, and red lips. What Jean does not see, but his devoted canines do, is that the beautiful woman is actually and ugly, mean, old witch bent on enchanting and killing Jean out of her hatred for love. Ultimately, it is Jean's dogs that come to his rescue.
Jean-le-Chasseur et ses chiens is an adaptation of a traditional Louisiana French folktale. It features a written style of Louisiana French designed to represent its origin in oral tradition. Beautifully illustrated, Jean-le-chasseur will capture the attention of readers of all ages.
Barry Jean Ancelet is a writer, storyteller, singer, and professor emeritus of Francophone studies at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Ancelet is very interested in the structure of words and ideas. He writes poems, plays, songs, and stories, all informed by the spoken French of Louisiana.
Denise Gallagher was born and raised in Louisiana. She loves the songs of the cicada, the scent of magnolia, and the creation of beautiful things. Her work is a compelling blend of mystery and whimsy--teeming with flora and fauna and infused with just a hint of magic. To see more of Gallagher's work, visit http://www.denisegallagher.com/.
ISBN: 9781935754817
French, with English translation
Softcover, 32 pp., ©2016
Release date: October 4, 2016