Conveyance Records of Attakapas County, 1804-1818
by Glenn R. Conrad
The second volume of Land Records of the Attakapas District concerns itself with the old Attakapas County of territorial Louisiana. Part I of Volume II focuses on the conveyance records of the Attakapas District between the years 1804 and 1818. Conveyances record the transfer of real property from one ownership to another by any of several means: purchase, donation, mortgage, or exchange. The present investigation deals not only with the conveyance of land but also the buying and selling of slaves, who were then considered real property.
The number of territorial Attakapas instruments registered in the St. Martin Parish clerk of court's office is sufficient to occupy several volumes of conveyance records. The abstracts of these materials, which constitute the main part of the present publication, indicate the following information regarding original instruments: volume and page numbers, type of transaction, date, and a concise description of the contents, including the names of the principals, witnesses, and other individuals mentioned in the text.
The wealth of historical data presented in these abstracts is analyzed in the preface. After providing a brief historical overview of the beginning of American rule in south-central Louisiana, author Glenn Conrad examines the Attakapas economy and the role that Acadians, Creoles, and Anglo-Americans played in shaping the region's economic development—and reaches some surprising results.
Land Records of the Attakapas, Volume II, Part I, Conveyance Records of Attakapas County, 1804-1818 is a must for genealogists, abstractors, attorneys, historians, and anyone interested in the early development of the Attakapas District.
Land Records of the Attakapas, Volume II, Part I, Conveyance Records of Attakapas County, 1804-1818 is a must for genealogists, abstractors, attorneys, historians, and anyone interested in the early development of the Attakapas District.
Hardcover, 480 pages, ©1992
ISBN: 0940984571